Senior Care News

Are There Easy Ways for Your Senior to Notice that She’s Becoming More Fit?

Elder Care in Fairfax VA: When your senior starts a new exercise routine, it's most likely because she wants to become healthier. Figuring out how to recognize that she's becoming more fit can help your aging adult to see when she's getting some solid results.
Elder Care in Fairfax VA: Senior Fitness
Elder Care in Fairfax VA: Senior Fitness

Your senior may not feel as if she’s seeing any benefits from her exercise program, which can be discouraging. Even if your elderly family member isn’t seeing the scale move, these signs can let her know that the good things are happening.


Elder Care in Fairfax VA: Senior Fitness
Elder Care in Fairfax VA: Senior Fitness


Her Energy Levels Are Higher

Regular exercise helps your aging family member to boost her energy levels naturally, without having to rely on anything else. With higher energy levels, your senior may be more able to take on tasks that she’s not been able to handle on her own before.


She’s Sleeping Better

Another happy side effect of an exercise plan that is working well is that your elderly family member is able to sleep better at night. This helps her to fully rest so that she’s able to do all that she wants to do the next day.


Daily Tasks Are Easier

You may still feel better having senior care providers and other family members helping out with regular daily tasks, but they can be much easier for your aging family member to do after a few months of exercise. As her sleep and energy levels improve, she’s better able to handle daily stress.


She’s Experiencing Less Pain

Exercise can help to build muscles and reduce pain that typically plagues your aging adult. If she’s having significant pain, though, working with a physical therapist might be the right option. The idea of “no pain no gain” isn’t accurate when it comes to your aging family member, either. She doesn’t need to be experiencing pain to get a solid workout.


Other Health Conditions Are Improving

One big reason that your aging adult’s doctor might recommend exercise is as a solution for some of her other health problems. As your senior exercises more frequently, she may start to notice that some of those health conditions are improving and she’s feeling better than ever.

Always be sure to talk to your senior’s doctor about any exercise routine she wants to start. Her doctor may want to monitor her throughout, which is the best way to spot when she’s becoming healthier.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring elder care in Fairfax, VA, contact the caring staff at Access Home Care Inc. Proudly Serving Northern Virginia and Surroundings for over 12 years. Call Us: (703) 765-9350

Anna Mensah-Nti, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Founder
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